Stop (disabled) This menu item halts the creation of a fractal in the front-most window. It is disabled either because the front window is not a fractal or the fractal is not being generated. Stop This menu item halts the creation of a fractal in the front-most window. Foreground (selected) This item forces fractal creation in the foreground (the user may not perform any other tasks during image creation). This method of fractal creation is the fastest. Foreground (disabled) Selecting this item forces fractal creation in the foreground. There is no reason for this item to be disabled. Please contact the author. Foreground Selecting this item forces fractal creation in the foreground (the user may not perform any other tasks during image creation). This method of fractal creation is the fastest. Continue (disabled) This menu item starts drawing the fractal image from where it left off. This item may be disabled since the front window is not a fractal, the previous fractal generation was not cancelled, or the fractal is being generated. Continue This menu item is similar to Redraw, except that it starts drawing the fractal image from where it left off (if the image generation process had been previously terminated). Redraw (disabled) Redraw will start the image creation process from the very beginning. This item may be disabled since the front window is not a fractal or the fractal is being generated. Redraw Redraw will start the image creation process from the very beginning. FRACTAL MENU This menu permits the user to choose the fractals to create, edit fractal parameters, and select the fractal generation speeds.